
영문지 투고요령
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research (J-BME) is an international journal devoted to the publication of original investigations concerned with all aspects of biomedical engineering and applied biophysics. Contents of JBME papers include experimental science and technological development in the biomedical field as well as clinical applications of new developments.
Articles must contain original biomedical engineering content, defined as development, theoretical analysis, and evaluation/validation of a new technique.

Submission of Manuscripts: Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via email to Hyun K. Kim, bme@khu.ac.kr with a cover letter addressed to:
Soo Yeol Lee, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, Journal Biomedical Engineering Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Kyungki 449-701 (Tel: +82-31-201-3664, Fax: +82-31-201-3666).

The cover letter and one copy of the manuscript should be attached to the email. Attachments in PDF format will be preferred, but HWP or MS-WORD format will be also accepted.

Copyright Assignment: Please do not submit the copyright form when the manuscript is submitted. If the manuscript is accepted, the author will be notified where to send the signed copyright form.

Please make sure to specify the paper type in your cover letter. The default type is full paper. In addition to regular papers, the journal also publishes Communications, Review Articles, and Letters to the Editor.
Communications are preliminary accounts of works of special topicality and importance. In order to qualify for Communications, they must be concisely prepared not to exceed four in the number of publication pages.
Review articles are scholarly reports on a field of particular interest to the journal's readership. Authors intending to submit a review article need the Editor's permission before preparing the manuscript. The purpose of the Letter to the Editor is to provide a forum for readers to critique papers in the journal. Once a Letter to the Editor has been accepted, a copy is mailed to
the disputed paper's authors, who have the responsibility.

Revised manuscripts need to be submitted within 2 months from invitation to revise. Otherwise, such revisions will be treated as new manuscripts.

The chief criteria for acceptance of papers are the significance, originality, clarity, and quality of the work reported. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published elsewhere, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and
that its submission for publication has been approved by all the authors and by the appropriate authority at the institution where the work has been carried out. Articles and any other materials published in Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research represent the opinions of the authors and
do not represent the opinion of the Editors, the Society, or the Publisher.

Authors who submit a paper for publication in Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research that reports investigations on human or animal subjects must have conformed to all the regulations of the institution or the country in which the investigations have been carried out and statements of
conforming to the regulations must be included.
Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Korea Society of Medical & Biological Engineering.

Form and Organization: Manuscripts should be typewritten and must be 1.5 spacing throughout on A4-sized papers with 2.5 cm margins on all sides and in a font of 11 point or bigger. All pages should be numbered consecutively, including references, tables, and figure legends. Manuscript
that fail to conform to the organization requirements will cause processing delays.

Authors are requested to supply a total word count along with their manuscript.

Page 1 should contain the article title, author(s), and affiliation(s). At the bottom of the page, the name, complete mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address should be typed. Page 2 should contain a short abstract. Because the abstract will also be used by abstracting services, it must be self-contained, having no references to formulas, equations, or bibliographic citations that appear in the body of the manuscript. Up to five key words should be supplied at the end of the abstract.

Headings. Clearly indicate the organization of the paper by appropriate heading and subheadings.

Tables. Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of their appearance in the text. Type each table, double-spaced throughout and avoid vertical lines. Supply a short descriptive table legend (typed above the table). Type table footnotes, lettered a, b, etc., directly below the appropriate table.

Figures. Figures should be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Each figure must be submitted on a separate page. If a figure consists of several illustrations they should be labeled a, b, c, etc., Indicate the figure number and labels at the bottom of each page, but not within the figure frame. Figure legends should be provided on separate pages immediately following the text. All color illustrations will be reproduced at the author's expense. For best reproduction, clear and bright colors should be used.

References. References should be cited in the text by a number in parentheses and listed at the end of the paper in numerical order.
"Submitted" and "in preparation" are unacceptable in the reference list.
Journal citations require full title of the article and include first and last page. All authors must be listed. Use of et al. is not accepted. Note the following styles for journal and book citations.

Journal Article
M.H. Lee MH, S.Y. Lee. and K.W. Choi, "The paper title should be typed here", J. Biomed. Eng. Res., Vol. 390, pp.537-551, 2004.

M.H. Lee, S.Y. Lee. and K.W. Choi, Biomedical Engineering,
Seoul: Korea Press, 2004.

Book Chapter
E.J. Woo, J.K. Seo, S.Y. Lee, Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography, In: Electrical Impedance Tomography, D.
Holder Ed., London: IOP, pp.75-90, 2004.

Abbreviations. Use the American Chemical Style Guide or the Style Manual of the American Institute of Physics as a reference for abbreviations.

Equations. Mathematical equations or symbols must be typewritten. Number equations consecutively, with the number placed in brackets against the right margin. Refer to equations as Eq. [3] except at the beginning of a sentence, in which the word Equation should be spelled out.
Punctuate equations to conform to their place in the syntax of the sentence.
In both equations and text, all scalar mathematical Latin characters must be set in italic, whether they are variables or constants. Symbols representing vectors and matrices must be boldface Roman.
Post-Acceptance: Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author together with reprint price lists and order forms. Authors should indicate all corrections in pencil in the margins of the proofs. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be returned within 48 hours from receipt.

Page Charges and Reprints. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the corresponding author will be requested to pay a page charge of 40,000 Korean Won per printed page to cover the cost of publication. If this charge, which is not a prerequisite for publications, is honored, the corresponding author will receive 100 free reprints. Additional reprints may
be ordered upon return of proofs.

Electronic submission of manuscripts. If the manuscript is accepted, the electronic version of the manuscript should be sent to the editorial office.
Failure to submit electronic versions of the accepted manuscript will result in a delay in publication. Electronic versions produced on PC-compatible are only accepted. Files should be prepared with HWP or MS Word.

Electronic versions of manuscript text and figures, in one of the acceptable formats listed below, should be sent by email (as attachments, to Hyun K.Kim, bme@khu.ac.kr). Electronic versions received in an unacceptable electronic format will result in major publication delays.
The manuscript reference number and corresponding author's last name should appear on all
Electronic submissions of text must be in HWP or MS Word format.
Author-defined macros are unacceptable. Symbols and special characters should not be created graphically; instead, use the character set provided in your word processor.

The journal is not responsible for errors in conversion of newly release software, characters generated in an equation editor, or special characters.

Electronic submission of graphics or figures. Images must be submitted in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS). Power Point figures are acceptable, but are not preferred for best quality in print.
Failure to comply with these electronic submission procedures will result in a delay in publication. All images must be saved and submitted in final size.
The final figure sizes are: 1 column = 8.25cm wide, 2 columns = 17.15cm wide. Figures should not exceed 21.6cm in height. All cropping and manipulation must be completed before the images are submitted to the publisher.