
WC2009 참여 IFMBE Travelling Fellowship 신청 안내
IFMBE 산하 아태지역의 4개 국가(한국, 일본, 대만, 싱가폴) 의용생체공학회에서는 WC2009 (http://www.wc2009.org/) 참가자를 대상으로 국가별로 1명에게 Travelling Fellowship을 지원합니다. Travelling Fellowship의 내용에 대해서는 아래를 참조하여 주십시요.

대한의용생체공학회에서는 Travelling Fellowship을 받아서 아래에 기재된 일련의 일정에 우리나라를 대표하여 참여할 수상자를 공모합니다.

(1) 선정인원 : 1명
(2) 신청자격 : 40세 이하의 대한의용생체공학회 회원(학생회원 포함, 년회비 연체 회원 제외)
(3) 신청마감 : 2009년 4월 30일
(4) 결과발표 : 2009년 5월 15일(금) 춘계학술대회 만찬식
(5) 신청서류 : WC2009 발표예정 논문 1매, 영문이력서(자유 서식, 영어능력과 연락처 표기) 1매, 영문추천서(자유 서식) 1매
(6) 신청방법 : 상기 3개의 신청서류를 첨부하여 kosombe@kosombe.or.kr로 e-mail 전송
(메일 제목: WC2009 Travelling Fellowship 신청)
(7) 접수확인 : 위 신청 e-mail에 대한 학회 사무국의 e-mail 회신

--- 아      래 ---

(A) The aims of this fellowship are as follows:
To develop strong long-term collaboration and cooperation among member countries in the Asia Pacific region
To identify and encourage greater participation of young Biomedical Engineers in IFMBE Asia-Pacific Working Group and also IFMBE at large
To mentor and train young Biomedical Engineers for leadership in IFMBE Asia-Pacific Working Group and also IFMBE at large
To ensure leadership renewal program is in place

(B) The participating societies are as follows:
Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore)
Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC (Taiwan)
Japan Society of Medical and Biological Engineering
Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering

(C) Details of  the Traveling Fellowship:
Each of the participating societies will select their fellow based on a set of criteria to be determined by the respective societies. Please be reminded that the candidate should be 40years or less.  All the fellows will gather together in Singapore and then travel to other countries in the region, ie Taiwan, Japan, Korea and ending up in Munich. The local host will arrange a program for the group to meet other members of the local society and visit BME facilities. The Traveling Fellows will be required to participate in the local seminars. They then travel to the next country and so on. The duration in each country will be 2 to 3 days. The group will finally end up at the World Congress site.

(D) Deliverables:
The individual Traveling Fellow will have to make a report and presentation of the fellowship to the local sponsor society. The Traveling Fellows as a group will collectively make a report to be published in IFMBE News.

(E) The Tentative itinerary is as follows:
Day 1: All traveling fellows will fly and meet in Singapore. Dinner hosted by BES (Singapore).
Day 2: Visit the Bioengineering Depts in NUS  and NTU. Evening: Seminar and Dinner (hosted by BES (Singapore))
Day 3: All traveling fellows will flyer to Taiwan. Dinner hosted by Taiwan BMES
Day 4: Visit Bioengineering facilities (to be planned by Taiwan BMES). Evening: Seminar and Dinner (hosted by Taiwan BMES)
Day 5: All traveling fellows will flyer to Tokyo. Dinner hosted by JSMBE
Day 6: Visit Bioengineering facilities (to be planned by JSMBE). Evening: Seminar and Dinner (hosted by JSMBE)
Day 7: All travelling fellows will flyer to Seoul. Dinner hosted by KOSOMBE
Day 8: Visit Bioengineering facilities (to be planned by KOSOMBE). Evening: Seminar and Dinner (hosted by KOSOMBE)
Day 9: All traveling fellows will flyer to Munich
Day 10- 13: Attend the World Congress and participate in IFMBE activities