Program in Detail(ICBHI2021)

12 Nov. (Friday)

Plenary Session 2 (Joint Session) Room A (09:00~10:00)
Session Chair: Sung-Min Park (Pohang University of Science and Technology, S. Korea)
Time Title Invited Speaker Affiliation
09:00~10:00 Models to Incorporate Digital Health in Biomedical Engineering Education Prof Shankar Krishnan IFMBE, USA

Rising Women Engineers in BME (Joint Session) Room C (10:30~12:00)
Session Chair: Jennifer Hyunjong Shin (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, S. Korea)
Time Title Invited Speaker Affiliation
10:30~12:00 Recent Progress of Optical Imaging Techniques for Diagnosis and Treatment Assessment of Breast, Ovarian and Colorectal Cancer Quing Zhu Washington University in St Louis (USA)
Quantitative histopathology using Normalized Raman Imaging (NoRI) Seungeun Oh Harvard Medical School (USA)
Real-time Extended Field-of-view Ultrasound Imaging with Multi-GPU Reconstruction Eun-Yeong Park Stanford University (USA)
Microphysiological Human Intestine Models to Decipher Host-microbiome Crosstalk Woojung Shin Harvard University (USA)

Multimodal Medical Imaging Informatics 2 Room F (10:30~12:00)
Session Chair: Wonseok Choi (POSTECH, S. Korea)
Time Title Invited Speaker Affiliation
10:30~12:00 Changes in Healthcare delivery to patients: lessons learnt from Covid19 Devyani Chowdhury University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
Ultra-fast Super-Wide-field Photoacoustic Microscopy of Functional Brain Activities ‪Junjie Yao Duke University, USA
Deep learning assisted compact desktop photoacoustic tomography Manojit Pramanik Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Shining new lights into deep biological tissue via wavefront shaping: a brief review of recent development and perspectives Puxiang Lai The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
High Speed Photoacoustic Imaging Chengbo Liu Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, China

Medical Imaging and AI : Part II Room F (13:30~15:00)
Session Chair: Ravi Managuli (University of Washington, USA)
Time Title Invited Speaker Affiliation
13:30~15:00 Small Aperture Transducers for Intravenous Sonothrombolysis Xiaoning Jiang North Carolina State University, USA
Brdiging the gap in healthcare delivery in LMIC through AI and technology Babar Hasan​ Associate Professor Agha Khan University, Pakistan
Enhancing optoacoustic imaging performance via model-based inversion Xose Luis Dean Ben​ ETH, Switzerland
Reducing storage costs for large-scale medical imaging data Santosh Bharani​ Intelpixel, USA